INNER CIRCLE MUNA: Starting this year, we will start small but we will grow big. As an Iota Omega, we are not just making moments of life. We are exactly making a history of success, growth, and progress.
Soon our Chapter Anniversary is approaching and it is our opportunity to unite.
In each of our individual lives, we struggled a lot and we try our own very best to stick together as one.
One in each of our families, one in each of our communities, one as a Filipino nation, one as an Alpha Phi Omega, and one as an Iota Omega.
They want us to scatter, but we have the option not to allow them to destroy us in unity.
"Inner Circle muna" - This is the long-neglected ideology of our fraternity and sorority why each of our brothers and sisters falls one by one alone.
As we are doing our best to be successful in each of our family lives, religious lives, and social lives; we are also obliged to be successful in our Frat/Sorority lives.
In our tickler, we have an oath that we should "Study Hard for APhiO" and that is why we should remember that we are here to become dominant and supreme after our college and university days.
This is now the time of opportunity. Inner Circle muna.